TechCrunch article on future of computer vision

Everything you know about computer vision may soon be wrong

Ubicept wants half of the world's cameras to see things differently

Some excepts from the article:

Most computer vision applications work the same way: A camera takes an image (or a rapid series of images, in the case of video). These still frames are passed to a computer, which then does the analysis to figure out what is in the image. 

Computers don’t care, however, and Ubicept believes it can make computer vision far better and more reliable by ignoring the idea of frames.

The company’s solution is to bypass the “still frame” as the source of truth for computer vision and instead measure the individual photons that hit an imaging sensor directly. That can be done with a single-photon avalanche diode array (or SPAD array, among friends). This raw stream of data can then be fed into a field-programmable gate array (FPGA, a type of super-specialized processor) and further analyzed by computer vision algorithms.

The newly founded company demonstrated its tech at CES in Las Vegas in January, and it has some pretty bold plans for the future of computer vision.

Visit for more information.

Check out their recent demo of low-light license plate recognition here:


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