Special Issue of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics: Call for Papers

Full call for papers available here: https://www.photonicssociety.org/images/files/publications/JSTQE_Single-Photon_Technologies_and_Applications_.pdf

A special issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics is soliciting articles on the topic of

Single-Photon Technologies and Applications Single-Photon Technologies and Applications

The IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (JSTQE) invites manuscript submissions in Single-Photon Technologies and Applications. Single-photon technologies are vital to a broad range of applications such as quantum communications, optical quantum computing, quantum metrology, single-photon imaging, remote sensing and non-line-of-sight imaging. Fields such as nuclear physics, astrophysics, biology and computer vision also benefit from developments in single-photon technologies. This special issue is intended to bring together a broad range of research article with interests in single-photon sources, single-photon detectors, photon entanglement, computational imaging algorithms, and their general applications in quantum information science, 2D and 3D imaging, biomedical imaging, sensing and metrology. This special issue will address the current progress and latest breakthroughs in single-photon technologies and their emergent applications, covering among the following areas of interest:

  • Single-Photon Detectors
  • Single-Photon Sources
  • Photon-entanglement sources
  • Photon-entanglement sources
  • Integrated quantum photonics
  • Quantum communication
  • Optical quantum computing
  • Quantum metrology
  • Single-photon LIDAR
  • Novel imaging algorithms
  • Novel imaging techniques 

Primary Guest Editor: Feihu Xu, University of Science and Technology of China, China

Guest Editors:
Gerald Buller, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Martin Laurenzis, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, France
Li Qian, University of Toronto, Canada
Alberto Tosi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Andreas Velten, University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA
Jianwei Wang, Peking University, China

Website submissions: ScholarOne Manuscripts: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jstqe-pho

Submission questions: Alexandra Johnson, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (johnson.a@ieee.org)

Unedited preprints of accepted manuscripts are normally posted online on IEEE Xplore within one week of the final files being uploaded by the author(s) on ScholarOne Manuscripts. Posted preprints have digital object identifiers (DOIs) assigned to them and are fully citable. Once available, the preprints are replaced by final copy-edited and XML-tagged versions of manuscripts on IEEE Xplore. This usually occurs well before the hardcopy publication date. These final versions have article numbers assigned to them to accelerate the online publication; the same article numbers are used for the print versions of JSTQE. The following documents are required: PDF or MS Word manuscript (double column format, up to 12 pages for an invited paper, up to 8 pages for a contributed paper). Manuscripts over the standard page limit will have an overlength charge of $220.00 per page imposed. Biographies of all authors are mandatory, photographs are optional. See the Tools for Authors link: www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/index.html


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